
Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Facebook and postings and all that, OH MY!

Don't know that I appreciate all the technology. I'm finding that it is a big eater of time. (Although it is neat to see folk's pictures and get a "Howdy, Hi There!" from someone every now and then.)

What an awesome day. Didn't quite start out that way as I was wrestling with God over a few things. I surrendered to His Sovereignty and once again handed it over to Him. By the end of the day He had MORE than proven that He has all things under control - and He does it so much better than I do.

Cleaning up and cleaning out. Getting rid of things that have sat under the sink in the corner for the last year. Why do we hoard things? Is life really that tough and will God not provide in a pinch? Feels so good to see the house emptying out ( ok, at a slow pace) and the van filling up for the next GoodWill run.

Thanking God for His Word tonight. May it be all we need.

Friday, September 12, 2008

technology, oh my!

Well, after hearing Blue Ridge Thunder, I decided it was time to join the Facebook community. My children are still young, but I need to know what this stuff is all about so I can help guide them in their decisions.

I see that there are many people I went to school with, church with and even a good friend here in town. Waiting to see just how this works.

Neat to see so many familiar faces online. (my picture is rocks, of course!)

Anyone reading this that I know personally, let me know if you are there and need another friend! :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Resources for Schooling

Psalms 90:17 "Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; And confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands."

Well, it's that time again. I am eager to start (tomorrow would be good) but things aren't quite ready. I plan to start the first week of September and would like to list the resources that we will be using at our house.

Weekly Lesson Plan Books from Rod and Staff Publishers (one for each child)
The Bible
Saxon Math for Miss A.
Ray's New Primary Arithmetic for Mr. E.
Italics, Beautiful Handwriting for Children for all of us (yes, the teacher is going back to school also!)
And last, but not least...the Robinson Self-Teaching Curriculum for Reading (which encompasses History, Geography, Social Science, Science, Political Science and Literature)

Hoping the schedule will look something like this:
Breakfast by 7:30, studies starting by 8. Math begins at 9, Writing at 11, Lunch at 12, Reading at 1. Hopefully schoolwork will be finished by 3, and we can fit violin lessons and practice in there somewhere.

I am praying that this will be a year of commitment and diligence to our studies. Hopefully this time next year I can report that 08/09 was a good year that saw much accomplished in the area of learning. (although, to ask the kids, they would rather start in October!) So, there is that attitude thing we need to work on.

2 Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Patience as we wait

Neighbor gave us tickets to the local baseball game tonight. On our way into the stadium, what do we see???


With a personalized message on Virginia plates!!! How cool is that?! (btw - it is the 17th red one since we started counting last week.)

I have to shake my head and chuckle at God's timing, and be glad I brought the camera. How faithful He is to give us little snippets (or BIG, as in tonight's case) of encouragement. Psalm 121:8 "the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

Couldn't help myself from singing the kid's song learned oh, so long ago: "My God is so BIG! So STRONG and so MIGHTY, there's nothing my God cannot do. The mountains are His, the rivers are His, the Stars are His handiwork too, My God is so BIG, so STRONG and so MIGHTY, there's NOTHING my God cannot do! For You!!

(Sorry the font is so big, can't get it changed.)

Clean Bug bit Mr. E!

Well, today it was Mr. E's turn and boy did we get it done! LOTS donated to the "give" box - mostly small plastic toys without parts. He likes to move things around (he is his mother's child) so we moved his desk/table. Still have a drawer to sort at a later time, and also need to do his closet and books, but his room looks so much better.
Talked with "the Boss" (well, in our house the pecking order is 1.God 2.Dad "the Boss, Head Principal, Chief Fun Finder and Movie Maker" 3.Mom "the Next Boss, Hall Monitor and Teacher, Chief Party Pooper and Chore Giver") and suggested that for Mr. E's birthday we get him some sort of storage system for all of his many (MANY) Lego pieces. Something like you might see in a guy's workshop with lots of bins or drawers. So, as soon as I figure out how to post pictures on this here blog, and when we get Mr. E all organized, I will show it to you.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What a difference a day makes!

Whew! I have been struggling with cleaning this "cabin" and was getting nowhere fast and more frustrated by the day. My friend Mary came over this morning to help with some business items and of course I couldn't let her see it in such a state!!
Just the kick in the pants this girl needed. I don't know what made it different this time, but the living room and kitchen look like I am having an open house! The clean bug has also spread to Miss A's room, and Mr. E is asking when can we do his room next? (ok, ok...just don't go in my room. that will be tackled in 15 min. increments, and for tonight I am sleeping on the couch.) But, I am so proud of Miss A. She "gifted" a toddler toy that has been sitting unused for years, and is sharing some of her doll things with her younger cousin, Miss L.
I am sitting here in the midst of the clean. What a nice feeling. Makes me smile to see the counters bare. As much as I like the folksy/primitive country look, I do like the bare bones minimalist look. (Much less to dust, and easier to vacuum!)
I do follow the flylady system but found a site that is basically the same thing, but in a different format. Reiterated the old info in a new? way.
Didn't pay a dime, but got the free e-course. I like many of the articles. Looks like good, motivational stuff!
Funny, how I seem to have so much t say when I sit down to type. Time to go do my first 15 min. in my room. (Wonder how much time total this will take?) Thanks for reading, and remember...if you take something out, please put it away!! (Right Mom?)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Chapter 1

This was my first entry into bloggerland: (the fiddle at home went well for A., E. needs more structure, so we hope to be taking formal lessons in the fall.)

28 February 2008
Well, here I am, in the land of blogs. I am the mother/teacher of 2 dear children. We primarily use the Robinson Self Teaching Curriculum, and I am pleased with our progress thus far.
Youngest (age 7.5) is busy learning his vocab words. I have found that we need to spend a bit more time on phonics, vowel combinations in particular. He also needs practice on his math facts before he can start Saxon Math.
Oldest (age 9.5) is reading Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, and whizzing through the vocab. She says she hates math, but is actually quite good at it.
They both are participating in an outside art class, and also P.E. that runs for 3 more sessions (6 total). We also are studying the fiddle by video at home after 3 years of Suzuki lessons.
So, as you can see, we are busy. But my thoughts are full of what and how to do next. I returned from a trip to India recently and it has changed my perspective greatly. At times I have felt compelled to comparison. How do my children measure up to those in their classes at church? Are we on grade level? The true question is..."does this really matter?" And my answer is emphatically "No!".
We are making progress. Our children are learning and growing. We are content and confident in this life we are living. After getting back from India I am more convinced that we do need some sort of a schedule to get things accomplished rather than just letting the day happen. So far we are doing well getting our Bible reading and prayer done after breakfast before starting the studies. Violin and Awana comes next, then we jump in with the math and reading.
For those of you reading this, thank you for being interested in our life and school. May God be glorified in all that is said and done through this blog.

Summer Awry

Well, plans are not going as I wished, but that may be a good thing. We are watching the neighbor girl, and instead of doing our regular home-school thing, we are focusing on the non-academics. You know... important things like integrity, respect for people and their things (general things like toothpaste - please don't mix them together in the bowl.) and how to come when called (or you miss the opportunity to eat!).

I have started a "day camp" complete with schedule for chores so we will have some structure. The other cabin leader is already reporting some success at the neighboring cabin with chores and cleanliness, so that is a good thing. I must say that it is not quite as exciting as my kids would have hoped for - who does chores at camp?? But they are on board with the plan and doing well.

Camper E going with his uncle and cousin for a "guys only" trip this week. Camper A and I will hopefully get the cabin into tip-top shape for his return.

Something that was not mentioned previously is that the mom and dad of this family live in 2 different countries. Kids and I are here in the US. Dad is north of the border. We pray for and eagerly await his return, when ever that may be. (one more reason to get the cabin into tip-top shape!) We are learning patience as we wait. (Don't EVER pray for patience. God will give you the opportunity to learn it. (and sometimes I believe He laughs at our request, as if we only KNEW what we were asking for!) :)

That said, it is my utmost concern to protect the privacy of our life regarding certain things. I mention our situation because it is certainly not the norm. (but, as you will see if you continue down this blog path with me...why be normal, and who gets to pick what normal is anyways??)

Thanks for reading!