
Saturday, June 12, 2010

An Honest Post

I have had today's post rolling around in my mind and on my heart for many days recently.  Time after time I would sit to write and things just seemed to be stuck.  The name of this blog is "FourEightThoughts".  Does this mean I always need to be positive??  

I would like to think that I spend most days in a state of continual optimism.  As nice as that might be, I cannot truthfully say that it is so.  This week has been a case in point.

TAPM got word that his contract has been extended.  Prior to hearing the news I was thinking how sad it would be to have to leave in 4 week's time, and hoping to be able to stay longer.  Now that we have the extension, waves of homesickness seem to roll like the waves in the harbor on a stormy day.  There are so many things here to be thankful for...steady income, our needs (and many wants) are met on a weekly basis, we are healthy...and just as many things that I and friends, picking black raspberries by the edge of the woods and blueberries at the orchard...

At this very moment I realize that it is a give and take.  I am thankful for the years I had in Lynchburg.  It was there that I fell in love with Jesus again.  I got to know family and friends that are now very precious to me.  I don't know if I took these things at the expense of my marriage, but they are what I had to give up in order to take the opportunity for my children to be near their father and to hopefully give my marriage room to grow in a positive direction.

So, what am I trying to say in all of this?  That I need to focus on these things - things that are right, true, pure, lovely, of good report.  God is not a bully, nor does He stand over me waiting to yank the good things away.  Lord, help me to be ever thankful for what You have given during the many different seasons in my life.

Optimism with some experience behind it is much more energizing than plain old experience with a certain degree of cynicism.

~Twyla Tharp 


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