
Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Glad Game

As from "Pollyanna"...

I am glad to be here in Wellington with B. after so many years apart...

I am glad that my children are healthy when so many I know are sick...

I am glad for the internet, one conduit of encouragement in my life...

I am glad that the kitchen is clean, and that my husband made dinner for tonight.

I am glad for the Glad Game, to refocus my thoughts!


  1. Hi Becky;

    Thanks for playing The Glad Game with me! I am happy to not play alone ;-)

    Hoping God will use it to instill in us thankful hearts regardless of the situation we are in.

    Have a wonderful Saturday!

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  2. I am glad to count you as a friend!
