
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New House, New Health, New Hope

The new year sits before me, a blank canvas just waiting for things to be added.  What colors will it hold?  Yellows and pinks full of joy, greens and blues full of growth?  Love overflowing in reds, strength and stability in the outline of black, contentment and stability in the browns, and white in the peaceful spots?  What about the excitement of oranges and the organization of purples?

So many colors to a life once grey with uncertainty.  I must say that I am truly blessed, for I have done nothing to deserve my life than to surrender it to God, then wait to see what He would do with it.

Make no mistake, surrender is not easy. And I can not claim or pretend to have the process down pat.  All I know is that God blesses obedience and life goes better when His plan is chosen and followed.

So, for this new year I once again make my choice, because this is a choice that has opportunity to be made each decade, each year, each month, each day, each moment.  I choose to walk with God and follow the footsteps of my Savior Jesus Christ.  

I do not know what the new year will bring in the days to come, but my heart is glad and I am at peace walking with Him.

Thank You dear LORD, for the life in each day, 
For the colors You give as I work, rest and play.
Please help me apply them with care and technique, 
And thank You so much that my year is unique!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Summer Solstice and a Good Book

Clouds blowing over the hill as if being spewn from the erupting cauldron that isn't there, I wait for a glimpse of the moon, that voluminous disk of silver white light shining behind the smoke and mist that moves so smoothly as the harsh wind jerks past teasing, hiding, then shining bright only for a moments' glance.

"Don't blink." the stars sing out, some familiar from a time and place long ago.  New patterns, to learn and befriend are thrown onto the expanse of blue-black canvas that is framed by smooth dragon backed hills and chopped up lights of the city showing me I am in a new place.

The length of this day...what a day it has been, fierce wind pounding at the walls, rain charging like a battering ram against the walls of a castle, while inside, away from the tempest, we are in another time and place...a battle of long ago, thanks to a book that takes us away, holding us spell-bound in a different storm, giving us noble thoughts and an aching heart, longing for Good to win.  "Does he ride Midnight? Does Nana die?"
I know but do not tell.  To do so would be thievery of the moment, of which I want no part.

"The Chestry Oak" by Kate Seredy is one of my favorite books and I am just now sharing it with my children.  Miss A has already deemed it one for her shelf, which is a solid sign of heart felt approval.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A Call for Strength

Today as I write, my heart is thinking of someone else.  Someone who needs strength to do something that is very hard.  I know that we were meant to walk together with others, but the journey with a friend can only be taken if invited, and so far, I am not in that spot in this particular circumstance.

My only option then, is to pray.  Pray in the morning, pray at noon time, pray in the evening and all of the minutes in between.

LORD, You say in Your word that strength and power is in Your hands to exalt and give strength to all.  Please lift up the one I am praying for right now.  Give strength for this journey and an appropriate confidant for support.  Please break down walls and restore honor and life.  Thank You for the power of Christ.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Wrestling Match

It has been one of those years, and I'm not talking about since January.  For some reason in my mind, the end of this August is the significant end of a year's time - my first in New Zealand.  As eager as I was to get here, I sure did wrestle with being here once I landed, and God has certainly had me on the mat more than a few times in the past 12 months!

Amazing to think that if I had only surrendered at the beginning I might be further along, but as they say, "hind sight is 20/20" and there is no use pining over what could have been.  I am looking forward to seeing what the active side of surrender looks like as I once again lay my life at God's feet and ask Him to empty me of myself and fill me with Jesus.

One thing that I have come to realize is that I cannot expect big things of God if I am not willing to get serious about my end of things and do the daily things I am responsible for.  No more slacking off.

Dear Lord, I need help!  On my own, I'm no good...lazy...selfish...grumpy...disorganized.  Please show me what can happen when I lean on You and do what is right.  May the next 12 months be a continued testimony of God's faithfulness in my life.  Thank You for slow and repeated starts.  Please keep me moving forward.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


"What is it?"  This is the definition of the word "manna".  You know, that stuff that God sent the Israelites when they were complaining in the desert.  How cool is that?  For forty years God provides these disobedient malcontents with food each morning.

I would like to think that I am not like the Israelites, that I always obey and have a good attitude about things in my life.  However, I would be quite the liar if I dared to come close to that statement.  So many times I catch myself thinking a negative thought or going my own rebellious way.  How easy it is to ask "why me, why now?" as I pound my fist or wipe a tear.

Oh, may my focus be on God's goodness.  He is More-Than-Faithful and I am so undeserving.  But God, in His mercy saved me!  Because of His great love for me, I am a child of the King.  I have the right to stand before His throne.  Nothing will take me from His hand.  I'm covered in the righteousness of Christ my LORD. 

I have no reason for complaining, no reason for discontent.  Oh, that I will walk humbly in obedience and be thankful for His timely provision.  May I tenaciously run the race and pass the test, to see the benefit of God's goodness in the life of my dear family.

Deuteronomy 8:16 "In the wilderness he fed you manna which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end."

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hard Things

I've been reading a lot of the Gospels recently and this morning was struck by the thought of the job done by Joseph of Aramathea.  He was the one who went to Pilot and asked to have the body of Jesus.  Pilot was surprised that Jesus was dead so soon, but upon confirmation of that fact, was quick to give Joseph the okay to take Jesus down from the cross.

I'm not sure what got me thinking of the common threads of this part of the story, but there are things that I have not heard mentioned before that need some thought.  Imagine, if you will, Joseph of Arimathea.  Mark says that he goes to Pilot and asks for Jesus because of his devotion to God.

Joseph loved God.  He believed Jesus.  When he saw how Jesus was treated his heart probably broke.  Now God had a job for him to do.  It wasn't the most pleasant of jobs, not one that would get many volunteers, but this was something Joseph could do to show his devotion to God.  What better thing to do than to take care of God's Son?

Now, imagine the logistics.  Jesus is up on a rough wooden cross, barely clothed.  Blood, sweat and tears mingled together on His face and blood, sweat, skin and wood fragments mingled together on His back.  Did flies gather on the One who created them?  What would Joseph do about those huge nails?  I think if he was the one to physically take Jesus off of the cross, that he did it as gingerly as possible even though Jesus was dead.  I can see Joseph looking away out of respect as he covered Christ's body and carefully picked Jesus up to take Him to the tomb.

What if the soldiers took Jesus down?  Were they careful about the removal of the nails from Christ's hands and feet?  Did they jerk him around, still being in the disrespectful mood from earlier in the day?  Or perhaps they were a bit more kind, circumstances having changed something in their minds.  Maybe they were thinking to themselves, "What if Jesus really was the Son of God?"  "What if we were wrong to do this?"  How little they understood that there was nothing they could have done to prevent this event from happening, that it had been recorded through the ages since the first sin in the Garden...that this happened even for them, should they understand and believe.

I think Joseph had a hard job, but it was one that allowed him to honor the God he loved and served.  So many times God calls us to do hard things.  Do we look at the circumstances and say "No thanks, God, this is going to be too messy."  or "I think I'll pass on this one, surely I'll be ok if I just keep quiet and don't bother anyone.  I know God has someone else who can do this in my place."  Oh, how we would like to tuck tail and run the other way when hard things are presented.

How pleased is God when we step up to the plate and say "Okay God, this looks to be a rough one, but with You at my side and as my Shield and Defense, I'll move forward!"  or "I have no idea what comes next.  God, You are in control and I need you to guide me!"  I think this is what He longs to hear from us.  He is just waiting in the wings with His sleeves rolled up waiting to go through the muck right by our side.  I think He is eagerly sitting on the edge of His throne waiting for our joy upon reading His promises and comfort from His Word.  When we do find the gems He has for us, I think there might be a great chorus of cheering and "Amen" from those who have gone before when they see that our Father is happy we are finding the treasure in His Word.  Treasure they now see face to Face.

Isn't that a great thought?

**Additional note** (July 31, 2010) Luke records that Joseph of Arimathea was a counselor who had not consented to the counsel and deed of them.  Luke 23:50-51.  So, what do you suppose his life was like after the resurrection.  Surely the other counselors heard about his activities.  Did they ridicule him?  Call him crazy? Black list him?  How many of his co-workers changed their minds about the Messiah after talking with him in the days and months to come?

What courage he had to do hard things!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thankful on Friday

Seeing how I am still not asleep in the early morning hours of Friday, I will consider this a post for Thankful Thursdays...

I am thankful for:
  • God's Word
  • a friend whose life and walk with Jesus is true encouragement
  • a bed to lay in once I fall asleep

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Focus On...

...Mustard Seed Faith!

A New Start

This is the moment I changed my mind. 
This is the day I changed my life.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

I am going through a box of various papers - bits and bobs of information that at one time struck my fancy to write down for safe keeping.  Here are pieces of things I'd like to think about in the future, if not now:

A home is a place to DO things, not store things.  It is not meant to house your possessions, but your life!  ~ Celia Barbour

The wind is like a gift that visioned her life with joy. ~ Me

I always watch the dawn when from over the sea a rosey mist forms above the dreamy shadow of night.
~ Miss A

The cook said get in the sausage and ask a dandelion to boil you. ~ Mr E

Verses to memorize:
  • Rom 12:1-2
  • 1 Thess 5:23-24
  • Rom 13:12-14
  • Heb 3:13
  • Heb 4:16
  • James 1:13-15
  • Psalms 119:9
  • Philippians 2:13-16
  • 2 Timothy 2:22-26
  • 1 Peter 3:13-17
  • 1 Samuel 12:24
You have to know what you have, to know what you've lost. ~ Dave Heitman ~ Impurity cuts off the power of the Holy Spirit to help me live a holy life.

I hate proportions so much, I hate decimals much worse.  I hate ratios just as bad and dividing anything makes me mad! ~ written by Miss A  June 4, 2010 (can you tell that math is her FAVORITE subject??)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beauty In My Day

What will I add to my day to give balance and beauty??

A trip to a good "picking" beach!

Not that we need any more beach stuff, but it is so bright and sunny that it would be a shame to stay inside and not go enjoy the shore.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

An Honest Post

I have had today's post rolling around in my mind and on my heart for many days recently.  Time after time I would sit to write and things just seemed to be stuck.  The name of this blog is "FourEightThoughts".  Does this mean I always need to be positive??  

I would like to think that I spend most days in a state of continual optimism.  As nice as that might be, I cannot truthfully say that it is so.  This week has been a case in point.

TAPM got word that his contract has been extended.  Prior to hearing the news I was thinking how sad it would be to have to leave in 4 week's time, and hoping to be able to stay longer.  Now that we have the extension, waves of homesickness seem to roll like the waves in the harbor on a stormy day.  There are so many things here to be thankful for...steady income, our needs (and many wants) are met on a weekly basis, we are healthy...and just as many things that I and friends, picking black raspberries by the edge of the woods and blueberries at the orchard...

At this very moment I realize that it is a give and take.  I am thankful for the years I had in Lynchburg.  It was there that I fell in love with Jesus again.  I got to know family and friends that are now very precious to me.  I don't know if I took these things at the expense of my marriage, but they are what I had to give up in order to take the opportunity for my children to be near their father and to hopefully give my marriage room to grow in a positive direction.

So, what am I trying to say in all of this?  That I need to focus on these things - things that are right, true, pure, lovely, of good report.  God is not a bully, nor does He stand over me waiting to yank the good things away.  Lord, help me to be ever thankful for what You have given during the many different seasons in my life.

Optimism with some experience behind it is much more energizing than plain old experience with a certain degree of cynicism.

~Twyla Tharp 


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More Time on Foreign Soil

Today I am thankful that TAPM's contract has indeed been extended for 3 more months!

I have been thinking on many things lately.  Things that need my attitude about greeting the morning, for one thing!  I have gone through ups and downs and seem to be in a down right now at getting to bed at a reasonable hour, and then getting out of the bed after the allotted time is up for rest.

Hopefully next week I can be thankful for progress having been made in this area.  :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Today is full of wonder at what the week will bring.  TAPM is waiting to hear if his work contract will be extended or not.  I am split as to wanting to go or stay.  Cut me in half and I'll be fine!        :)

The kids and I have taken the day off to celebrate the Queen's birthday along with the rest of the country.  Not much pomp and circumstance here, but a day off, nonetheless.

Looking forward to what the future holds.  I'm glad I know Who is holding it for me!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wise Words

To keep your marriage brimming, 
With love in the loving cup, 
Whenever you're wrong, admit it; 
Whenever you're right, shut up.
~ Ogden Nash

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


  • for blue skies and sunshine
  • for the happy Tui bird in the tree outside my window
  • for healthy children
  • good communication with TAPM
  • for technology that allows me to join US team mates on a conference call
  • for technology that connects me with my AUS mates for training
  • for reminders to "sit up straight, drink your water, move your body, etc"
  • for breath in my body and a smile in my heart!

    For This I Breathe

    • That my family and friends may know Him, the One I love and serve.
    • That all whose paths I cross may receive my smile and be pointed to Him.
    • That my children will know how much they are loved.
    • That the one that I love best on this earth will know where to find me.

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    A New Month

    I sure do like the first day of the month!  A fresh page on the calendar...a clean slate, if you will.  June, for me will hold growth in the area of balance and fulfillment, as I move on to the next chapter in my Sourcebook and see what Katherine Lee has for us.

    Last month's life area was gratitude and attitude, and there was much to be thankful for.  The month ended on a high note as I had a wonderful time at the Juice Plus+ conference in Australia.  I would have never thought that my feet would be on Australian soil at any time in my life!

    What will June hold??  I'm not quite sure.  But whatever it is, I'm sure it will be full of adventure!

    Wednesday, May 26, 2010

    I'm Not Too Busy To Be Thankful!

    Wow, it feels like my life has sped by as fast as the wind is gusting outside my window tonight.  There have been many things on my heart (as usual) and it is good to know that God is right beside me on this path.

    There are many things to be thankful for today:
    • Kids and I not getting hit by a car while crossing the street in the rain.  Umbrellas are as much a distraction as cell phones in my book and we have learned to be more careful!
    • Miss A is very excited to be going to camp this weekend.
    • Mr E gets to spend the whole weekend with The Artistic Pixel Man and is looking forward to a WHOLE weekend of computer games, junk food, movies and time with Dad.
    • I am flying to Newcastle, NSW on Friday for the Juice Plus+ Conference happening in this part of the world.  I never would have guessed that my first JP+ conference would be somewhere other than in the States.  I hope to meet many new friends, gain much information and have a great time without getting lost.
    • I am thankful for friends who were willing to offer childcare at a moment's notice.
    • And I am thankful that TAPM is going to take Friday off to spend with our children.  May their memories be sweet and their time together fun!
    A life-long blessing for children is to fill them with warm memories of times together. Happy memories become treasures in the heart to pull out on the tough days of adulthood.  
    ~ Charlotte Davis Kasl


    Monday, May 17, 2010

    Whatever is Worthy

    Not worthy
    • discouragement
    • giving up
    • excuses
    • laziness
    • fear
    • positive encouragement
    • persevering through the tough stuff
    • speaking to the facts and doing what will get things accomplished 
    • action
    • putting on a confident smile and taking each step forward
    Some questions that were posed to me today...
    • Would I follow me?
    • Do I make excuses or priorities?
    • What do successful people do?  Am I doing those things?
    LORD, may I be active, bold and work with a generous heart!

    Sunday, May 16, 2010

    Thinking on...

    So much mulling around in my head lately.  I am learning quite a bit about life.  - Why, it seems, that I am just now finally getting my head around some of these topics, I do not know.  But you know what they say..."Better late than never!"  :)

    Lesson # 1  As the mom goes, so goes the house.
    Lesson # 2  As the mom and house go, so go the kids!
    Lesson # 3  A clean kitchen sink helps the mom go better.
    Lesson # 4  The mom also goes better with good sleep and plenty of water to drink.
    Lesson # 5  Kids will avoid school work at all costs.  It is the mom's job to keep them on task.
    Lesson # 6 Keeping the kids on task cannot be done while sitting at the compu

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    Live These Things...

    Today's thoughts...INTEGRITY.  TRUTH.  Even when it is hard.

    Today I had the responsibility of disciplining one of my children for lying.  Again.  While in the States, they would get one spank per year of their age for lying.  Now living in a country where that is frowned upon, I tried it their way for nine months.  The taking away of privileges for lying did not work.

    Let me say that more often than not, it takes the application of serious discipline to get to the true heart of the matter.  It was not easy and it was not fun, but today has shown me that a spanking given in love can touch a heart like nothing else.  The level of repentance was high and true.  And it opened wide the door of respect that was slowly closing between mother and child.

    Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. 
    Worry more about your character. 
    Integrity is its own reward.   
    ~ Laura Schlessinger

    Monday, May 10, 2010

    Not a very Museful Day

    Today was spent nursing children who, when it was noticed that they were looking a bit more perky, decided to "act" a bit more sick to avoid having to do school work.  Granted, we did have a variety of the day was not dull in the least bit.  Tiring?  Yes.  Dull?  No.

    As I write, I wonder if I ever do this to God.  When a task is set before me, do I purposefully find a "reason" to do something else?  Ouch. 

    Lord, please help me to be content in the work You set before me.  I confess that I am more often than not, going through my days to please myself instead of serving others and loving You.  Please help me to remember that every day on the job of life is an opportunity to grow more like Jesus.  And I can't grow if I don't focus on Him.

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    Tenaciously Stupid and a Worthy Thought

    I just saw a news report on the Ohio man and woman who recently ran away to Florida together, both leaving behind family and spouses.  It was interesting to hear her reason for taking this action...she didn't feel loved, felt pressure from work, pressure caring for her young daughter, didn't think anyone would miss her.  My goodness, what lie DIDN'T she believe?

    Satan must be ecstatic over this one.  Two families broken apart.  The man's wife already in the process of divorcing him, the woman not ready for her husband's forgiveness and looking for a place of her own.  And millions of women across the country nodding their heads and saying "I know just how she feels."

    I will be the first to agree that yes, there is a load of pressure in the daily living of life.  Yes, sometimes it does feel like no one cares.  Yes, sometimes caring for children is a seemingly thankless task that drains the life out of you and can be described as being pecked to death by a duck.

    But I will also quickly say that there is a way to ease the pressure.  There is always someone to love you.  There is a prescription for doing daily tasks in a way that eases the load.  A five word answer that some might say sounds trite or simplistic.  My friend, "take it to the Cross!"  There you will find strength for the pressures of life, love everlasting, and joy in your domestic duties.

    How appropriate that this post was saved to be finished later tonight.  God knew I would need my own encouragement.  Ha!

    How faithful He is to tell me what I needed to hear today through the mouths of two friends, a taxi driver [our first female driver in NZ, an Orthodox follower] and my dear daughter.  I know how that Ohio woman may have felt, but I also know that I am loved and that I am beautiful.  Thank you LORD, for your timely reminder!  May I be an encouragement to others the way You give it to me.

    Oh, the burden that is lifted at Calvary when sin and cares are placed at the foot of the cross.  My prayer for this woman, and all others who might be in her unhappy find the love and strength and peace that only faith in Jesus can bring.

    Sunday, May 2, 2010

    A Record of Steps

    The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs. ~ Vance Havner

    Thanks to my new pedometer, I am now able to keep a record of how many steps I take in a day.  This particular post will serve to be my "Step Log", as I journal about my path to wellness.

    May 2010 
    1 - 4487
    2 - 9809 
    3 - 2144
    4 - 7056
    6 - 9386
    7 - 9050
    8 - 5791
    9 - 15039
    10 - 8356
    11 - pedometer worn, but forgot to record steps
    **NOTE: pedometer worn most days.  If it is a day that I do not leave the apt, step total is under 3000.  If I do go out, steps total anywhere from 3000 - 9000+.  One thing I am finding is that I do need to make conscious steps - that is, make the plan to go walk and then DO IT!  If I don't, then the steps don't get taken!

    Simple Worship

    Today in church, it was evident that God inhabits the praise of His people.  The Spirit was moving such, that today was the "morning message that wasn't".  Although the pastor was not able to give his message due to lack of any time at all left in the service, I can say that God's message came through loud and clear through the open reading of His Word, prayer and praise!

    All I keep thinking of lately is that Satan runs when we praise our Heavenly Father.  Are you discouraged?  Give praise to God.  Are you afraid?  Give praise to God.  Are you facing troubled times?  Give praise to God!

    Oh that we would focus on Him and give Him praise!

    "And the things of earth will grow strangely dim 
    in the light of His glory and grace!" 
    ~ Helen H. Lemmel

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    Tenacious Praise

    Today's post could very well piggy back on the "Hallelujah" post, for it has struck my that I must be tenacious in my praise.  God wants all of it, all of me, all of the time.

    I had the joy of an hour this morning that was filled with walking and singing.  This was my first "Praise Walk" as opposed to a "Prayer Walk".  It felt as though God was telling me to surround a certain spot with praise,  (It is a large area.) and as I sang every hymn and worship song that came to my mind, joy was shining and hope was rising.

    So, I guess I should also link again to my favorite songs..."How Can I Keep From Singing?"  I can't, because of the "Glorious Impossible"!  - but you can scroll down to hear them again.  :)

    Monday, Monday...

    Museful Mondays - celebrating creativity, curiosity and learning.

    Hmmm.  Today started out pretty rough.  God had to get me out of bed with a false fire alarm at 8 am.  I have not been sleeping very well for many months and it has started to catch up with me.  It feels like there is nothing in the pot to draw from for creativity, curiosity or learning.  So...what to do???

    Think on these things:

      The smooth, spiky texture of a Kiwiana.  Don't know how to eat it or what it even is really, but it looked interesting at the market.  Visually, it is a treat.  Not so much to the taste.

    An eleven armed star fish.  How's this for asymmetrical??

    A magical path.

    Although this is a picture of Miss A, it is where I am right now today...

    Lord, Here I am to worship with hands to the sky,
    My day has been rough and I've had a good cry.

    I know You are near me and have me in hand,
    Please guide me along as I continue to stand.

    Thank you for bringing Your Word to my mind
    as I look for Your comfort, what treasure I find!

    Sunday, April 25, 2010

    Today was better than...

    Yesterday (Saturday) TAPM asked if he could take us to see something down by the waterfront after church.  Ok.  Sounds good.  All night last night I was wondering what it could be, as he would give me no hint.

    Today (Sunday) I received a wonderful gift.  The mystery took us to the City Gallery and the Janet Cardiff Exhibition, "The Forty Part Motet".  We walked past the wall detailing this particular exhibit quickly as he seemed anxious to get us in there.

    Around a corner and into a large room.  Two benches and open space surrounded by 40 black speakers at head height on individual stands that gave me the feeling of being encircled with sternness.  Individual chatter is played and I stop near one to listen.  Not knowing what I was in for, I wonder if somehow this is live and somewhere behind the scenes are people waiting to pop out.

    What followed was something I could never have guessed.  The most rapturous music I have heard in too long of a quiet spell.  Why have I let this area of my life go silent and lie dormant for so long?  Why did I let life get in the way?

    Many times during the 11 minutes of singing I found my heart ready to burst with joy.  Tears came and went as I thought about the gift I was listening to, and who brought it to me.  One of the kids asked outside when it was over if Grampa would have liked that.  Oh yes, a hundred times YES!  I don't know who would like it more, him or me? 

    So, from the bottom of my heart I say "Thank You" to The Artistic Pixel Man.  Today was better than diamonds.

    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    A Timely Power Outage

    Today is Thursday.  I am thankful for a new friend, who came for lunch with two of her little ones.  What a joy to remember my days in her shoes.  Lord, Thank You for my children.  Thank you for the memories of them at that beautiful age.

    After they left to go home for a nap, Math became the focus of our day here at Mosley2.  One of my favorite things as the "teacher" is when one of the kids is having a time understanding the lesson, and all of a sudden...BING!  On snaps the light bulb and the difficult concept is now understood.  I also enjoy the corrections...sitting and working through the problems with them.  Checking the mistakes and rechecking the answers.  (Now, if they would only understand and apply the knowledge that checking math work before handing it in makes much better sense!)  Lord, Thank You for my children.  Thank you for my time with them at this wonderful age.
    Today during studies the power went out.  That put a kink in my busy plans for the afternoon.  No grocery shopping (good thing I got oats the day before), and all of a sudden I was feeling unwell and needing a bed right away.  Lord, Thank You for slowing me down, and for my children who tucked me in and quietly continued their afternoon so that I could rest.

    One last reason of thanks...Lord, Thank You for timely reminders of so many important things lately.  Focus for my brain, devotion for my heart, gentleness towards others, and how time is spent.  Please help me to apply the reminders in a way that honors You.

    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    The Power of Praise

    I recently read of a family with many children and wish to retell it in my own words as I can't remember it verbatim.  They were struggling to make ends meet and the fridge was often low or empty.  Mom and dad were people of great faith and did hope that God would provide.  A minister friend joined them for a meal one day and observed the mom giving a great sigh whenever she opened the fridge door.  He asked why.

    "Well, because it is often so empty and we try so hard to use our resources wisely."  His wise reply..."Sister, don't you think that God will supply what you need?  Instead of a fretful sigh, why not shout 'Hallelujah!' each time you open the fridge or give thought to your need?" 

    At first she thought it silly, to shout at the fridge.  Would her family think she'd gone mad??  Instead of a shout, she started with a whispered "Hallelujah." each time she opened the door and saw the meager status of their food supply.  Within the first week or so of her doing this, an unbeliever was moved to provide them with his excess...enough to fill their fridge and freezer to overflowing!  What started as a whisper did indeed turn into a shout.

    Psalm 146
       Praise the LORD, O my soul.
        2 I will praise the LORD all my life;
           I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
        3 Do not put your trust in princes,
           in mortal men, who cannot save.
        4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
           on that very day their plans come to nothing.
        5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
           whose hope is in the LORD his God,
        6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
           the sea, and everything in them—
           the LORD, who remains faithful forever.
        7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed
           and gives food to the hungry.
           The LORD sets prisoners free,
        8 the LORD gives sight to the blind,
           the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,
           the LORD loves the righteous.
        9 The LORD watches over the alien
           and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
           but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.
        10 The LORD reigns forever,
           your God, O Zion, for all generations.
           Praise the LORD.

    1"Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,   6 "Hallelujah!  For our Lord God Almighty reigns. (from Revelation 19)


    Wednesday, April 14, 2010

    Whatever is Worthy

    Yes, He is able..."Now to Him who Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

    I was reminded of this today while on the phone with my mom.  We were talking about comfort zones and how God sometimes removes us from them in order to keep working on us to grow us to what He wants us to be.  It was good to be reminded that I am in God's capable hands.  In "His Zone" is a good way to think of it.

    Tonight at prayer time Mr.E was praying for God to do something "very soon, no, do it in Your timing because I know that is best."  Ah, LORD, what are you trying to tell me??

    Stop and look to see where I have been...  Many times that road was rough, but He carried me over the bumps.  The Lord has been more than faithful to care for us all.

    Think about where I am now... Some days I am not too sure, but I know that God has me here for a purpose.  My time with my family is so precious and good.  If I wasn't here now, I would be missing so much.

    Hope for the future... My marriage, my children... Yes, He is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.  And I'm so glad for His sovereignty.

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    Technology and Other Conveniences

    Who would think that something we lived without 20 years ago would be so indispensable now?  After having been without an internet connection at home for the past 2 weeks, I can now say that I no longer take it for granted.  As much as I would like to live off the grid, and with a small carbon footprint, there is something to be said for technology.  It does provide a sense of connection, which in my particular case these last couple of weeks has been sorely missed.

    In the area of other conveniences, I would like to give thought to the area of location, as I was thinking about it today while on the bus from Newtown.  Living without a vehicle is purely dependent on location.  In a large urban area such as Wellington, NZ there is little need for a personal vehicle except when travel to the outskirts is warranted, and at such time one can be rented for the necessary occasion.  In Lynchburg, VA however, I think a vehicle might be almost absolutely necessary as the shops and such are so spread out.  Public transportation - or the lack of it, is clearly the key item to this equation.  Although not ever having used the Lynchburg transit system, I am afraid that I cannot give a clear and unbiased opinion of the subject.  Wellington's buses seem to go when they are needed and stop at most places that are close to where one needs to be.  And if one is not in too big of a hurry, there is always the tried, true and more healthy mode of transportation that is already connected to a body...that of two feet and legs!

    Now that I think about it, there is another convenience to be enjoyed here in Wellington, that of the Mt. Victoria - Wellington Town Belt.  The children and I were up on the hill yesterday, and what a hill it is!  It reminded me of the hill behind the house where The Artistic Pixel Man and I used to live while he was working in Latrobe, PA.  We were in the basement of an old house at the base of a mountain with a quarry at the top.  The side of the hill seemed to go straight up.  Now that I think of it, I think that hill in Ligonier was a bit more steep...I don't remember getting to the top.

    So nice to have trails so near our front door, and wonderful to be back online.  I may be physically far away from those I love and miss, but at least now I am mentally connected.

    Tuesday, March 30, 2010

    How Can I Keep From Singing?

    Woke up feeling awful this morning, but had to press on because today is moving day.  Although there are still a few more things to get finished, I must take a break to post some thoughts.

    Taking the rubbish out early - the sky was my favorite grey, I began to feel a bit better.  Amazing what a few negative ions can do for the spirits.  That, and prayers for improved health.  As I watched the sun rise from dark grey to rosy pink to firey orange to what is now vibrant yellow my heart can't help but sing.  Oh, how I will miss the view of the sunrise!

    I stepped outside a few minutes ago to take a deep breath of the morning and was reminded of the verse that says if we don't praise God, even the rocks will cry out.  Today I shared my praise with the color of the sunrise, the wind in the trees, the song of the Tui and the calm waves on the harbor.

    This brings to mind two of my favorite songs...the first from Enya (How Can I Keep From Singing)
    and the second from the Gaither Vocal Band (The Glorious Impossible)

    Sure wish I knew how to add them so they will play as you read this, but that is a new skill to learn on another day.  :)

    The sun is now up and shining, children are awake and moving about, my headache is completely gone.  Things here at the "Holiday House" are about to be wrapped up.  I have been writing a few lines and doing a few things, writing, doing...

    Today, I could not procrastinate in giving God praise.  Why?  Simply because He is Worthy!

    Sunday, March 28, 2010

    Back to the Basics

    Simplicity, that is what I need this coming week...mornings with my Savior, routines with my children and the daily requirements for my business to grow.  All of this while packing, cleaning and shifting house in the next three days.

    Due to the demands of freelance work, we were unable to spend our usual Sunday afternoon with The Artistic Pixel Man.  This threw us all a bit off kilter but we did manage to have a quiet afternoon. 

    I must admit that I have been a bit lax in the area of goals, organization and movement lately.  Time to get the nose back to the grindstone and stop lazing around.

    Here's to a new week.  Thank You Lord, for a fresh start!

    Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Thinking on What?

    The root of bitterness had been slowly growing unseen in the dirt, but he decided to break daylight and get a look above ground.  What he saw was a heart that did not extend the warm welcome he longed for.  Oh, he tried to wind his tendrils in amongst the thoughts and feelings of her soul, but the choice was made to not give a mile after an inch was asked for.

    "Of course you are loved," he taunted, "but not by that one!"  Actions speak louder than words, it is true.
    But to look only on the here and now and give up on hope would mean giving up on the One who told her to in to humanity and up on faith in things not yet seen.

    "Of course I am loved," she said, "by The One who loved me so much that He sent down His Son."
    This fact makes a difference in how life is lived, she's thankful not bitter, with love now to give.

    Thursday, March 25, 2010


    Today is a packing day.  I have slowly been weeding things out of my own stash of stuff - clothes not worn, things not used, etc - and giving great thought to the idea of simplistic living.  We are moving into a smaller space for a few months so this brings my focus to any space saving ideas I can find.  It will be interesting to note as the days go by, how going from big house to cozy den affects our attitude.

    Someday I would like to live in a house that has a hand powered kitchen.  The only challenge would be in making toast and blending juices/nut mixtures.

    This brings me to the question of: What else do I absolutely need to use that pulls from the power lines?
    • computer and printer
    • cd player/radio/tv - cds and tv can be replaced by listening/watching on exclusively on the computer
    • oven and stove
    • sewing machine and iron - although we recently saw a machine that was powered by hand crank
    • washing machine and dryer - hanging clothes to dry is a much used option at our house
    • battery charger - for kids' hand held video game, portable cd player and our cameras
    Hmm.  Less than many, more than most.  I am very blessed.

    Sunday, March 21, 2010

    Simple Parenting

    Today I experienced a wonderful moment of joy in spending family time together, and received a knowing smile from The Artistic Pixel Man as I mentioned to Miss A that all kids have parents that make a big deal out of their kids growing taller and growing up.  Her parents are no different, although we may be a bit abnormally normal.  We are her parents and we love her.

    A simple joy.  The daughter, the mother, the father, the brother...together.  In the sunshine, sharing a smile.

    We must return optimism to our parenting. 
    To focus on the joys, not the hassles...
    ~ Fred G. Gosman

    Saturday, March 20, 2010

    Sharing the Self Talk

    As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. ~ Helen Keller

    I have had the opportunity twice this week to realize how very thankful I am that I home school my children.  For me, it is a blessing to be with my children the majority of 24/7/365.  Although I do look forward to them spreading their wings so I can watch them soar, I am content in my time with them now as I watch them blossom and grow.

    I think everyone needs to know when they are a joy to be around, so this week I told my children just that.  I am proud to be their mom, I love being with them, and I am blessed to be their teacher at home.  (maybe not those exact words, but they got my jist, and I shared my self talk with them.)

    Maybe that is what got Mr. E wondering aloud about the age when he should start educating his own children, or what time they should go to bed, or what age he will be when he is out of the house and making his own decisions.  I wonder what else he would like to ask? 

    Focus on FUN!

    Have fun in your command. Don't always run at a breakneck pace. Take leave when you've earned it, spend time with your families.  ~ Colin Powell

    This week, Friday was "Fun Day".  We celebrated by visiting the police station so that I could get my fingerprints taken for paperwork.  The officer then did both of the kids for fun.  I told them that should they ever become delinquents, they would already know what the inside of a police station looked like.  He got a kick out of that, and said that the delinquents get their finger prints done digitally as it is so much easier, especially for those that don't particularly care to participate in the process.  Mr. E assured me that he had no plans to become a delinquent!  :)

    After another short errand, we hopped on the #10 bus and rode to the Wellington Zoo.  This month they are offering half price admissions on Fridays, so we had to take advantage of the savings.  It was such a wonderful visit that I would have gladly paid full price.  We ate our lunch while observing the Sun bears, 

    and just happened upon the Giraffes at snack time - where we got to feed them special tree leaves by hand!  Their muzzle is not quite as soft as a horse, but just being able to look one in the eye and feel its breath was a once in a life time experience for me.

    Miss A loved the Sun bears (as did I) and Mr. E enjoyed the Meerkats best of all.  We all liked the geckos - they have sticky pads on their feet, and enjoyed a rest in the shade as we watched the zoo vets taking x-rays of some feisty possums.

    The one thing that struck me over and over during our visit to the zoo is that the God who made me created all of these amazing animals! I saw jewel toned colors and geometric patterns in the feathers of birds, familiar faces in the Tamarin monkeys, and the variety of His inspiration in every single creature in the zoo.  Nothing can match the creativity and majesty of God.  Yes, God cares for His creatures...but isn't it great to know that God loves us best of all?

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

    Incredible, what happens when the focus is fun.  Perhaps I won't wait so long until next time!

    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    A Full Heart

    Today I am thankful for
    • a husband who is a good provider.
    • a place to go when this lease is up
    • half-price entry at the zoo tomorrow
    • safety in the storm last Friday
    • hugs from my children every day
    • notes and greetings from friends
    • a helpful bus driver today with the patience of Job
    • God's Word.  It is active and living!

    Sunday, March 14, 2010

    This is the Life!

    Ah, once again The Artistic Pixel Man treated me to a day of not having to do dishes.  I'm afraid I threw a change of plans at him early in the day, but he handled it like a pro.  A friend picked the kids and I up early this morning to go to the Sunday Market down at the waterfront, where I picked up a tasty looking lamb roast.  Brought it back to the apt. where we stuck it in the crock pot for today's dinner.  T.A.P.M. makes a great gravy, which we had over the meat and veggies, and also bread that came from the market.

    We had made plans earlier in the week to eat lunch out and then go hiking, but because of my change of menu, we had dinner and a movie at home instead.  So, hopefully we can hike the Mt. Vic trail next weekend.

    Upon getting the veggies back to the house, I had the wonderful surprise of seeing another friend - who is actually my landlord.  She was up to photo the outside of the house and was just leaving, but she stayed for a chat, and to pick up something I needed to give her.  I must say that God has brought into my life so many people who are a joy to be with.  I hope that I am one of those kind in return.

    Here is to Simplicity...the joy of being with family and friends, near and far away.

    Saturday, March 13, 2010

    It's My Birthday!

    It's my birthday, and this one thing I believe...I am loved by family and friends! Especially my children.

    I woke up this morning to be held hostage in my room while Miss A and Mr E made my breakfast and decorated the kitchen.  Much thought was put into the decorating because the colors of the lettering matched the streamers hanging from the door, and the 2 flower arrangements were beautifully symmetrical.  I was told that they encountered 4 or 5 bugs during the preparations and that Mr E "smashed one with his shoe!"  (I did hear that particular bit of commotion and was wondering if they would lift the ban on me coming into the kitchen so I could get the grasshopper for them.  I was happy to hear them work it out as I think this means I am off bug duty since they can now catch/kill their own bugs!)

    Hugs abounded today, and someone even mentioned a birthday spanking.  Thankfully, we are in New Zealand and spanking is against the law here.  Whew!  Lucky for me!

    What did I learn in the past year?  I have many areas of life that need improvement.  I  have many friends and family who love me anyways.  My faith is in God, who never fails, and always forgives - no matter how many times I mess up. 

    "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable Gift!"

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010


    This week is  celebratory week and I am oh so thankful for so many people.  I would like to take a moment in my corner of the cyber-world to say "Thank You" to those who are walking on this journey along side of me.

    To the ladies at Table 6, thank you for welcoming me into the circle.  I am honored to be a part of your lives through Mosaic.

    To my friends and ABF family from HBC, thank you for your prayers and patience as I grow in your garden.  I may be blooming far away, but my roots are still with you.  I thank God upon every remembrance of you!

    To my NSA family, thank you for your contagious enthusiasm.  What an honor to serve with you!

    To Tamera and the QE Gals, I miss you.  Save me some chocolate cake!   ;) 

    To my mom, thank you for always believing in me.  I cherish your wisdom and strength.

    To my dear sister and bro-in law, thank you for your courage.  I am proud of you both.

    To the "Tenacious Twosome" words can't say it, but I will try...thank you for the "Bull Dog" approach you use to make sure I am focusing on God's Truth.

    To Adelaide, thank you for walking this journey as a sister and friend.  Hope sends her love! 

    To Gigi and Poppie, thank you for taking care of things, and for the great gift that your son is to me!

    Sam, Dan, Daniel, Jim and others, thank you for loving my kids along with your own.

    To my children, thank you for the joy that you bring to my life.  May I be a worthy example for you to follow in your own lives.

    Last, and most importantly, I would like to thank The Artistic Pixel Man.  Because of your focus and hard work I am able to do what I do.  I am thankful for your creative spirit, and courage to bring us along on your adventure.  Mahalo Nui Loa.

    Be Careful What You Write About

    ...Just after writing about regrets, I realize a major potential regret in my life.  Big.  A doozey, because of my own procrastination.  The Regret of a Lifetime.  So now, as I wait to see how bad this will be, I need to concentrate on something positive.

    Remember folks, as Katherine Lee always says, "A set back is a set up for a come back!"  So, how do I turn this one around??  As per the Communication Continuum from ILiveTheSource, I need to ask some clarifying questions and then move into action.

    Now, on to something worthy for this Wednesday!  I did check on the item of last week's procrastination (which brought me to today's regretful realization) and so I do feel good about checking that off.  I now have more things on my "to do" list in that category.  After dinner I hope to tackle the other area of this month's procrastination: curtain lining.  I want to get these finished by Friday, so will be in 5th gear from now until then.

    Monday, March 8, 2010

    Being Reminded Why

    "Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only for wallowing in." 

    ~ Katherine Mansfield 1888-1923, born in Wellington, New Zealand

    This quote came to me in a timely manner today.  Earlier today I had spoken to a friend regarding moving my business forward here in New Zealand, and was regretting the time it too me to speak up and get moving. 
    With this in mind, I tenaciously move forward!  No turning back for me. 

    As Katherine Lee from ILiveTheSource says so very often, "A set back is only a set up for a come back!"  I am thankful that she so willingly shares her knowledge and enthusiasm with others.  I am so thankful that I am part of her class this year, and that I am catching her enthusiasm too!  Katherine, if by chance you are reading's a big hug and smile for you!     :)

    Should today's label be changed to thankful instead of tenacious?  No.  I need the tenacity right now and I am holding on by my teeth!  I say let's let today be both, for at the moment I can't be tenacious without the"why".  And I am oh, so thankful for my "why" today.

    "No reserves.  No retreats.  No regrets."  
    ~ William Borden

    An Impromptu Thought

    Last Friday as the kids and I were leaving Climbing Club we passed what looked like a large magnetic white cube covered with hundreds of little magnetic words.  Wellington is celebrating writers and readers this month, so we took a moment to participate.  Of course I had to give myself a little challenge, so I picked up a bunch of words that were face down on the ground and made my sentence.  The first word I picked up was "vision".  How appropriate for this year.  I suddenly felt inspired and full of strength.  One little word.  Six black letters on a little white tile with a magnet on the back.  One little word that can reach so very far!

    "The wind is like a gift that visioned her life with joy."

    Sunday, March 7, 2010

    Another Restful Day

    If this pattern keeps going, I might have to say that I am getting spoilt!  The Artistic Pixel Man again made dinner for us - this time it was his "I've Never Made Chili That Isn't Spicy Before!", and it received raving reviews from the kids.  Plus, there was enough to land us some leftovers!  heheh.

    I also got to take a nap - again!  Yes.  I could get used to this Sunday afternoon routine.  ;)

    So, today is a Simplistic Sunday.  Simply put, I choose to think on truth this week, do the daily things and conquer at least one item of procrastination.  A tall order?  Perhaps.  But if I keep my focus upwards and not inwards, I will make it...for sure!

    Saturday, March 6, 2010

    Truth or Lies

    Wow.  What a title.  What a thought.  What are we believing?

    This hits me hard today as I see the devastating effects of what happens when people believe lies.  Yes, in my life I have been guilty of it, and have also felt the effects of what happens when someone close to me believes them. 

    If I have learned anything in the past forty years it is that the lies are so very easy to believe.  We are told by the world, "Go ahead, you deserve to be happy.  Do what feels good!" And if we don't give careful thought to the consequences, they will be just as bad as the lies themselves.

    I know this is a controversial topic, but I'm the author of this here blog and if you don't care to read my thoughts on this particular topic, come back tomorrow.  : )

    Enough about lies.  What are the truths that I am believing right now?
    • God honors obedience
    • Obedience is hard
    • When I ask, God is more than happy to help me do what is right
    • Disobedience brings hard consequences
    • These consequences will hurt more than just myself
    • God is who He says He is and He does what He says He will do!
    That is the bottom line.  Enough said.  Friend, Reader...what do you believe??

    Friday, March 5, 2010

    Falling Up

    This was meant to be posted yesterday, but in trying to stick to my somewhat rigid bedtime schedule, I opted to hit the pillow instead of the keyboard.  So, two posts for today. 

    Amazing what a little focus can do.  It seems to bring clarity and purpose.

    I have now started writing my "to do" list, and it brings satisfaction just knowing that things are written down so I can look at that list and not have to rely on my [sometimes shoddy] memory.

    So often we go through our lives doing the daily things and feeling like nothing is getting finished because we are in a whirlwind of busy-ness.  I hope to stop long enough each evening to give a moment of purposeful thought to the things that will come on the morrow, collect my thoughts and make my plan.

    Things I am currently focused on:
    • Scripture Memory
    • The Life of David
    • Praying for Many Friends and Loved Ones
    • Teaching my Children
    • Growing my Business
    "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1

    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    What a Day!

    Having taken the topic for Wednesdays to heart, I am ashamed to admit that once again I have procrastinated on something that really needs to get done.  I even procrastinated the writing of the procrastination!

    On to other things!

    Today is Thankful Thursday, and what a day it has been!  I woke up in time to see the sun coming over the eastern hills and the day only grew better from there.  My time in the Word this morning was first rate, and God brought to mind many dear friends to pray for.  I also received word that someone I met recently has made a decision to have a personal relationship with Christ.  I am so thankful today for Salvation.  Not just mine, but that of those whose hearts are being softened even now.

    I am thankful for Debbi Bryson speaking at today's Mosaic Group.  I had been praying for her last week, that her words would be straight from God.  That prayer was answered.  Also at the meeting this morning I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting again, a young woman who the kids and I met at a bus stop many months ago.  I saw her Bible and asked where she attended church.  It just so happened that it was the same one that I had been procrastinating about visiting.  So, the next week we went to her church, and it is now our church too!  Amazing to see her again.

    So many other things to be thankful for, but life is calling and I must close for now.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010

    Tuesday Post Script

    I have just learned that March is National Nutrition Month.  This is wonderful news as I am hoping to detail  my journey to health and wellness on Tenacious Tuesdays, but could not think of a word beginning with the letter "T" to title the day.  (If anyone has a suggestion, I would be glad to give it consideration.)

    Here is a link to the American Dietetic Association and I think this is a wonderful place to get started, especially for the daily recommended allowances for each age group, but do not totally agree with the promotion or need for animal products in the diet.  This, I believe is tied to promoting the dairy and meat industries and is a can of worms to be kept closed until further notice.

    Please note that this is a personal preference.  I have noticed improvement in the health of myself and my children when we keep animal products to a minimum in our diets, and this is what works best for us.  We do have the occasional meal that includes meat for the protein - as opposed to legumes, nuts, whole grains or seeds, and cheese and yogurt are still heavily used - although I have switched to cheese made with vegetable rennet, with no complaints.  Rice milk is our drink of choice other than water, and I have found that it works well in cooking and baking.

    So...all this to introduce National Nutrition Month.  By March 31st, may we all be closer to our goals!

    Today's Title is a Study in Contrast

    Perhaps "Tenacious Tuesdays" is not the correct title for this day.  I am hoping for this blog to be something of an encouragement, but tenacious means "holding fast; stubborn; obstinate".  These things, at the moment seem more negative to me, as in "I am holding tenaciously to old habits." ...yes, they are without a doubt, very deeply ingrained.

    However, if I were to say that "I choose to be tenacious in my pursuit of building new habits." I would be speaking proactively and sharing my goal of improvement.  So, what will it be?  Proactive gets my vote, and in so doing, chips away at the corner of the tenacious habit of clinging to the negative.  I feel like Joan of Arc in her armor, sword held high, ready to reclaim the home land.  Oh dear, I feel a soap box moment coming on...

    Let me close today with this quote from Joel A. Barker (as attributed on  

    "Vision without action is merely a dream.  Action without vision just passes the time.  Vision with action can change the world."

    Sunday, February 28, 2010

    Celebrating Creativity, Curiosity and Learning

    First a poem, written January 2, 2010 - as a personal challenge to see if I could write a poem in the time it took for the bus to get to our stop.
    We wait for the bus
    To come and get us
    To take us to places that we need to go.

    We get on the bus
    To find us a seat
    To give us a rest and get off of our feet.

    We ride on the bus
    And perhaps make a friend
    We chat, say "good bye" and hope to see them again.

    We get off the bus
    After thanking the driver
    To head to the places that we need to go.

    If not for the bus
    Oh where would be us?
    In need of a ride, with a stitch in our side.