"What is it?" This is the definition of the word "manna". You know, that stuff that God sent the Israelites when they were complaining in the desert. How cool is that? For forty years God provides these disobedient malcontents with food each morning.
I would like to think that I am not like the Israelites, that I always obey and have a good attitude about things in my life. However, I would be quite the liar if I dared to come close to that statement. So many times I catch myself thinking a negative thought or going my own rebellious way. How easy it is to ask "why me, why now?" as I pound my fist or wipe a tear.
Oh, may my focus be on God's goodness. He is More-Than-Faithful and I am so undeserving. But God, in His mercy saved me! Because of His great love for me, I am a child of the King. I have the right to stand before His throne. Nothing will take me from His hand. I'm covered in the righteousness of Christ my LORD.
I have no reason for complaining, no reason for discontent. Oh, that I will walk humbly in obedience and be thankful for His timely provision. May I tenaciously run the race and pass the test, to see the benefit of God's goodness in the life of my dear family.
Deuteronomy 8:16 "In the wilderness he fed you manna which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end."
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