Today was spent nursing children who, when it was noticed that they were looking a bit more perky, decided to "act" a bit more sick to avoid having to do school work. Granted, we did have a variety of the day was not dull in the least bit. Tiring? Yes. Dull? No.
As I write, I wonder if I ever do this to God. When a task is set before me, do I purposefully find a "reason" to do something else? Ouch.
Lord, please help me to be content in the work You set before me. I confess that I am more often than not, going through my days to please myself instead of serving others and loving You. Please help me to remember that every day on the job of life is an opportunity to grow more like Jesus. And I can't grow if I don't focus on Him.
you bring up a good point.. how often does God ask us to do something and we just push his needs and desires for him aside. I know i am guilty as charged.. we had a great Bible study tonight.. going thru the New Testment.. excuse my typing and spelling .. i am getting sleepy.. Donna says i am the only person she knows that can type in tounges.. lol love you all and miss you