
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Day of Many Gifts

This day has been a full one, and ran the gamut of emotions.  Didn't quite go as planned, but the piano lesson that got postponed will hopefully happen tomorrow.  The kids and I were out the door in time to hear three college groups perform Kapa Haka at the Te Papa Museum to celebrate the Maori language.  It was quite exciting, and I especially enjoyed the loud hakas.  They seemed to be good stress relievers.  :)  The gift of music.

After the performance, we went upstairs to one of the galleries to see the exhibit on Pounamu (Greenstone/NZ Jade) which is found on the South Island.  It is one of my most favorite stones and I love the idea of being able to find one in a mountain stream even though that is probably not going to be my experience.  Having been a rock hound from my earliest days, it evokes strong feelings for me, especially when I get to touch it, bringing back many memories of picking other rocks at the lakes in Minnesota, in the creeks of Virginia, in a parking lot in India, in a stream on the North Island...I wonder where it will be next??  The gift of sight and touch.

Whoops!  Time to head for the bus so we can get to the pool in time for swimming lessons!  While waiting, the North Island had an earthquake of 6.5 up near Taupo.  It was 150 km deep but people here said they felt the ground sway.  I think I noticed it in the swinging of a sign in the shop I was standing near, but didn't pay it any mind.  The gift of safety.

At the pool, I had the pleasure of talking with a new friend from Thailand who is married to a Kiwi.  Her son and my children are in the same swim class this time.  She and I struck up an inevitable  friendship - she was knitting and I was crocheting!  I will be sad when this set of lessons is finished as the kids and I are switching back to the pool that is closer to our home.  Hopefully we can keep in touch with our new friends.  That would be nice.  The gift of relationship.

Home again, home again...Miss A made delicious soup and I tried to make bread.  I think the bread lump heard me say that I really hoped this time would be different, as it looked so beautiful on the outside, but inside was still gooey.  My solution??  Eat the crusts, scoop out the innards and make bread sticks from the goop!  Not too pretty, but it was edible and the kids didn't complain.  The gift of taste.

On to the time in my day when I did not check my thoughts and they came flying from my mouth, to my surprise and someone else's frustration and hurt.  Oh, if I could have just sucked them right back in.  It was as if they were slippery jelly and mad such a mess before I even realized they were out.  Not a good gift.  Hopefully forgiven?  That would be a good gift, for sure!

Time for bed and I would like to know when did my little son grow into such an encouraging young man?  Could it happen overnight?  It seems that just yesterday I was the one giving out encouragement for something that was hard to do - a math problem, to be precise.  And now tonight he sends me from his room at bedtime with two words and a hug.  "Be strong." he says.  I thank him and quietly close the door, whispering thanks to God for encouragement in unexpected places.

Wow.  What a gift!

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